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Employer Services

Let BAMA show you how professional and well-trained our graduates are

BAMA Students are Sought-After Employees

Bay Area Medical Academy provides Healthcare Workforce Education in the Bay Area. We are a talent supplier to medical facilities in the area that hire healthcare graduates and maintain strong ties with the medical community that we serve. Many employers come to BAMA to talk to our students about the types of candidates they are looking for as well as to meet and interview our students in person.

We provide value-added services in the form of:

Customized Workforce Training

Bay Area Medical Academy provides on-site training to employers with incumbent workers. These workshops help our employer-partners to keep their workforce up-to-date on new skills and certification requirements and ensure that they maintain their quality of service. Visit our Programs page to see just what our graduates learn.

Previous clients include:

  • UCSF

  • San Mateo Medical Center

  • SF City Clinic

  • One Medical Group

  • Mills Penninsula Hospital

Sample Workshop:

  • Phlebotomy Skills for Nurses

Externship Placements

Our holistic training model ensures that students receive valuable clinical experience via externships at medical facilities throughout the Bay Area. Commitment lengths vary depending upon program. Our students prepare for direct patient interaction through extensive lab training and are evaluated several times before qualifying for externship placement. The quality of our training is shown in the large number of students employed at externship facilities. In effect, externships through Bay Area Medical Academy act as “in-house interviews” where employers can evaluate the skills of candidates in a real world setting.

If you’re interested in having a student extern at your facility, please fill out the form here.

" Medical Assistants from BAMA have proven to be well prepared, fast learners, and very motivated... "

The MA students have always been well trained by Bay Area Medical Academy (BAMA). On a regular basis when there had been an opening at Ward 86 – Positive Health Program, we hire a former student from BAMA. Medical Assistants from BAMA have proven to be well prepared, fast learners, and very motivated in working at Ward 86.

- Roland Zepf ACRN, Clinic Manager, San Francisco Hospital

Have More Questions? Get More Info…

If you’re an employer and would like to inquire about or request our Employer Services, contact us to receive more information.

For immediate questions, call Career Services at 415-217-0077

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Accreditation and Certifications

Why Accreditation Is Important

When you attend an accredited institution, you are attending a school that has undergone a rigorous process that evaluates educational quality. It’s not easy to become or remain an accredited institution. The rules and regulations are strict, precise and designed to protect students. Here are some of the benefits:

  • A reliable indicator of quality

  • Approved program of study

  • Qualified instructors

  • Recognition by employers nationwide

What our graduates say

What I liked most about the medical assisting program is the hands-on learning. Mrs. Earby made it fun, and she told us about her real-life experience working as a medical assistant. I always looked forward to going to class. BAMA helped me reach my goal, and shaped me to be the best medical assistant I could be. I’m now an medical assistant at San Francisco Critical Care Medical Group.

Suliana A. Feiloakitau, Medical Assisting Graduate

Get your healthcare career training started today.
Call admissions on 415-943-2028.

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