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Bay Area Medical Academy Graduation Time

Its Graduation time!! at the Bay Area Medical Academy.

It’s exciting times at Bay Area Medical Academy.

Final preparations are being made for our upcoming 2018 Graduation Ceremony.

Staff will be welcoming recent Medical Assisting and Pharmacy Technician Graduates and their families and friends for a day of celebrations.

As the big day approaches, we though it would be fun to look back on past graduation ceremonies by sharing a few photos.

What a lot of great memories!

All the Graduates are gathered together for a picture at the Bay Area Medical Academy campus.
A Graduate student can be seen making a speech from the podium.
A Graduate has decorated her cap with the picture of her child with the caption " My Reason"
Happy Graduates tossing their caps in the air.
A Happy Graduate with her decorated cap smiling in front of the camera.
Graduate being congratulated by family and friends at the Bay Medical Academy Graduation ceremony.
All the Bay Area Medical Graduates pose for a group picture in their Graduate attires.

Who Goes to School at Bay Area Medical Academy?

Bay Area Medical Academy Graduates are single moms, career changers, veterans, the unemployed, under-employed, and recent high school graduates.

We’re extremely proud of them all. They’re great examples of people who have realized their career dreams through continuing education. They’ve worked hard and overcome challenges along the way. And it’s been a privilege to have been part of their successful journey.

Now we’re looking forward to celebrating with the Bay Area’s newest healthcare professionals at the 2018 Bay Area Medical Academy Graduation Ceremony.

It’s going to be a fun and inspiring day.

Here’s to making more great memories!

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Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing industries in the US, and you can be a part of it!

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